The ideal length of a shower to avoid risks to your skin, according to doctors

The ideal length of a shower to avoid risks to

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Gérald Kierzek (Medical Director of Doctissimo)

    Taking a shower for a long time is not such a good idea. Beyond a certain time, the epidermis can even suffer, as Dr. Gérald Kierzek, medical director of Doctissimo, explains. So, what is the ideal timing for a shower?

    Are you more the type to rush into the shower in a flash? Or to lounge around for a long time, singing included, under the streaming water? According to a survey, we spend an average of 9 minutes and 25 seconds in the shower. And 15% of French people even extend the pleasure beyond 15 minutes. A bad habit, according to our medical director. Because if a shower that is too long is bad for the planet, it is also bad for… our skin.

    Dryness, infections… When too much hygiene kills hygiene!

    By taking showers that are too long and soaping yourself too much, you are weakening your skin and your health. For Dr. Gérald Kierzek, medical director of Doctissimo, overusing showers could have several negative and concrete effects on our daily lives:

    • Dehydration and dry skin : Prolonged showering, especially with hot water, removes natural oils from the skin, which can lead to dehydration and dry skin. “This can make the skin more vulnerable to irritation and infection.”
    • An imbalance of the hydrolipidic film : Hot water can melt the outer layer of the epidermis, the hydrolipidic film, which protects the skin.This may result in a atopic dermatitis long term and short term skin dryness.”
    • Vasodilation : Very hot water causes vasodilation, increasing the diameter of blood vessels.This phenomenon can worsen the symptoms of venous insufficiency, such as heavy legscramps, and edema”.
    • A relaxation of the pores : Long, hot showers can relax skin pores, which can make it easier for bacteria and other pathogens to enter, increasing the risk of skin infections.
    • An impact on the skin microbiota : The combination of hot water and shower products containing preservatives and texturizing agents can have a detergent effect, disrupting the skin microbiota, which plays a crucial role in protecting the skin.

    “Showering is essential, but as always, too much hygiene kills hygiene!” reminds our expert, calling for moderation.

    The right timing for a “healthy” shower: the time of a song!

    Very well, but then how long should a shower last, enough to clean and relax, without impacting our health? Science has asked itself the question. According to a publication from Harvard University, “Short showers of 3 to 4 minutes maximum, with lukewarm water and soap (bar soap or liquid) concentrating on the groin area, genitals, armpits and feet, are more than sufficient

    On the side of ADEME, the Environment and Energy Management Agency, the verdict is more or less the same: “As a guideline, people are told to take a shower within the time of a song, to use no more than 35 L of water (compared to 100 L for a long shower and up to 300 L for a bath)” claims Florence Clément, responsible for information for the general public.
