The hours before the explosion in Gothenburg – see the police mapping

The footage comes from surveillance cameras in Västerås, Gothenburg and from the convicts’ own mobile phones. With their help, the police were able to recreate the hours before and after the explosion at an apartment building in Hisings Backa on the night of New Year’s Eve.

In a cell phone belonging to the convicted man’s girlfriend, there are also short videos where the man films himself. In them he says: “You little tramp I’m going to blow up your home” and “Car batteries in the bag, she’s going to blow up the gate”.

Those particular clips, however, are not connected with certainty to the explosion in Hisings Backa, according to the police’s preliminary investigation.

Motive not determined

The investigation shows that the perpetrators received instructions and a shopping list via the encrypted messaging app Telegram. The sender could not be identified.

In one of the apartments in the affected stairwell lived the relatives of a man with connections to the Backan network. But the motive for the explosion could not be determined with certainty. In the investigation, material has also been found which to some extent indicates that there may be a loyalty to the Foxtrot network in the convicted man and woman.

“Like a war zone outside the gate”

The blast caused extensive damage throughout the stairwell. There were 18 people in the apartments, ten adults and eight children.

– I saw families with children running barefoot out of the stairwell in panic. It looked like a war zone outside the gate, says a witness in a police interview.

In mid-June, the man was sentenced to five years in prison and the woman to three years in prison by the Gothenburg district court. They must also pay damages to residents of the house and to the housing company for repair costs. They have until July 5 to appeal the verdict.

See the police mapping in the clip above.
