The history of the kiss may be older than man himself

Previously, it was believed that the first documented kiss could be found in the Indian text Kama Sutra.

But now a pair of Danish researchers have found previous evidence for human sexual kissing. Sophie Lund Rassmussen, biologist and Troels Pank Arbøll, Assyriologist, now show that kisses appear in cuneiform writing from Mesopotamia, which is from 2,500 BC, i.e. 4,500 years old. Among other things, a disease is described that can be closely compared to oral herpes, which is spread via saliva in kisses.

The world-famous primatologist Frans de Waal, on the other hand, claims that the very first kiss must have happened six million years ago, and then with our ancestors the pygmy chimpanzees.

Play the video to follow the journey through the history of the kiss.
