It’s a typical sign from the French Highway Code but do you really know what it means? Please note, the rules changed at the start of 2024…
It is a well-known sign for driving license candidates who take the theoretical exam, the famous Highway Code exam. The round B9B sign, which represents a bicycle on a white background with a red outline, features prominently in our Highway Code. But even having crammed and revised the competition, candidates could well make a mistake! Because know this, the rules have discreetly changed in spring 2024.
A decree, published in the Official Journal on March 23, 2024, informs of this change. Before seeing the details, a quick reminder: sign B9B is a prohibition sign. If you see it, it means that no cyclists can enter this lane. Some people think the opposite, judging that the bike is not crossed out on the sign. It is not so. We find this sign for example when approaching a tunnel or especially an expressway leading to the motorway where the minimum speed, 80 km/h, is not really compatible with the practice of cycling, even for the Champions !

You can also see this sign in town, particularly when specific signage and dedicated lanes, such as cycle paths, have been installed. In this specific case, bicycles are required to use the cycle path reserved for them. A round panel representing a white bicycle on a blue background can also be installed there.
What has changed if not since March with this new point in the Highway Code? Bicycles are in fact no longer the only ones affected by this prohibition sign. The decree of March 23 specifies that all vertical road signs which until then applied to cyclists also apply to drivers of motorized personal transport vehicles, EDPMs. Behind this somewhat barbaric name hide many users in the city since this category includes electric scooters, with or without saddle, but also gyropods and other gyrowheels. In other words, if you see this famous sign, the route in question is now also prohibited for scooters.
The B9B sign is not the only one concerned, all the signs also apply to scooters, for example, traffic lights, two-way cycling, or “Give way to cyclists at the light”. And there’s no question of escaping it! Driving on an unauthorized lane exposes you to a 4th class fine, i.e. a fine of 135 euros. If you do not ride on the installed and duly marked cycle path, you risk a fine of 35 euros. It’s worth keeping your eyes peeled and checking the latest developments in the Highway Code. Remember, no one is supposed to ignore the law.