The highly promising Miro Little will play on Sunday in a match where only Petteri Koponen has been seen from the Finns

The highly promising Miro Little will play on Sunday in

Miro Little, one of the most promising basketball players in the world, will play on Sunday morning in the rest of the world’s team against the United States.

Sunday morning is a big moment for a Finnish basketball player For Miro Little, 18. He participates in the Hoop Summit in the rest of the world team in Portland, USA. It’s the USA team.

Organized by the United States Basketball Association, the event aimed at a certain age group has been held almost every year since 1995. This year, a women’s match will also be played for the first time.

Little’s match starts Sunday morning at 5 a.m. Finnish time.

Finns have participated in the event before Petteri Koponen in 2007. Also Teemu Rannikko and Lauri Markkanen were invited but did not attend.

“I’ve enjoyed”

At the end of the training, Miro Little, who was selected for the men’s rest of the world team, had a long discussion about coaching the team by Kaleb Canales with.

– We went over with the coach how the camp went and we also went over the jobs of the back man and the playmaker. He likes the way I’ve been playing and said to continue with the same energy with which I’ve run this camp so far, Little told STT.

Little says the camp went well.

– It has been really fun to play here with players from all over the world. I have enjoyed this and we have a good feeling in the gang. Everyone is friends with each other, and it shows on the field as well.

The players’ common language on the field is English, but in addition to Finland, the passports include Canada, South Sudan, Jamaica, Greece, Guinea, Nigeria, France, Australia, Senegal and Cameroon.

The young people don’t have to train with each other, because chairs are arranged around the two training fields, on which a hundred people can sit. Almost 95 percent of them are men of various ages, most of whom have a player observer’s accreditation pass around their neck.

Player scouts tried to find players for NBA teams, and Little, for example, has openly stated that the series is his goal. That’s why the current week and Sunday morning’s match are important for the Tampere.

– Yes, getting to the camp and being here are big things in the big picture. There is someone from each team here watching how I train and behave. So they mainly follow body language. At the same time, this camp is only a small part of that dream and there is still a lot of work ahead, says Little, who will turn 19 in May.
