the hero could have been a black man

the hero could have been a black man

The least we can say is that the news around Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order and its sequel is rather rich at the moment. Indeed, after indicating that the second episode would probably only be released on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PS5 and PC, Jeff Grubb recently revealed that the game would be called Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Today it’s Nora Shramek’s turn, who worked on Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order as lighting artist, to reveal information that is interesting to say the least.

When I was working on the game, a lot of developers were pushing for the main character to be black and/or female.she explained on Twitter. The reasons [du refus], it’s: ‘There are already two black characters in the game’ and: ‘Rey is a woman, we can’t make that choice either.’ I’ll let you guess what the people who made those decisions were like.” Before adding: “The worst thing I’ve heard was when someone said (I’m not going to elaborate here) : ‘I think black people should have brighter skin because it’s oilier than other people’s. Then that person looks at me and says, ‘Right, Nora?’ I answer: ‘But what is wrong with you?’

Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order

To make things clear, Nora Shramek clarifies that decisions were made at the Respawn Entertainment level, and that this was not a directive from Electronic Arts or Disney. She also points out that she has nothing against actor Cameron Monaghan (who plays Cal Kestis, the hero selected for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order therefore) and that he has done an excellent job. In fact, she regrets that Respawn Entertainment executives didn’t take the opportunity to go against white man’s dictates when defining the game’s main protagonist for, no doubt, reasons. marketing. Needless to say, this speech has caused a lot of ink to flow and many are wondering, suddenly, what the main character of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor will look like.
