the heritage of the 12 candidates under the magnifying glass

Houses, vehicles, life insurance or even income… The twelve candidates for the presidential election had to complete a declaration of assets, interests and activities with the High Authority for the transparency of public life, by virtue of the law on the moralization of public life of 2017. RFI scrutinized the assets of each of the candidates.

Real estate, assets over 10,000 euros, cars, bank accounts, but also holdings in the capital of companies, possible debts and income obtained over the past five years… Since 2017, each candidate must complete a declaration of assets, interests and activities certified on honor, and submit it to the Constitutional Council to be able to compete in the first round of the presidential election which is taking place on 10 April.

►Valérie Pécresse, Les Républicains: 9.7 million euros

The Republican candidate is by far the one who declared the greatest heritage. It amounts to 9.7 million euros and includes three houses and land for nearly 4.3 million euros. With her husband, an executive in the General Electric company, she also has nearly 6.5 million euros in life insurance, stock options, shares, current accounts and 59,000 euros in works of art.

It is also in debt of 811,049 euros for a mortgage and repaid 173,749 euros to the Public Treasury in February 2022 following a “delay in calculation by the tax authorities on the adjustment” between the taxes due for 2020 and amount deducted at source.

In addition, Valérie Pécresse received 54,000 euros in 2021 for her position as president of the Île-de-France region, and 1,000 euros as community adviser.

►Éric Zemmour, Reconquest: 4.2 million euros

The far-right candidate is the owner or co-owner in Paris of five apartments ranging from 27 to 165 square meters, for a total amount of 2,886,440 euros. He also holds 90% of the capital of his publishing house Rubempré, ie 1,530,000 euros, two life insurance policies, as well as bank accounts, for a total of 457,924 euros.

In 2021, Éric Zemmour also received 180,000 euros net from his publishing house Rubempré, and 62,441 euros from the daily Le Figarofor his post as a journalist from which he resigned on August 31, 2021.

►Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Debout la France: 2 million euros

Nicolas Dupont-Aignan said a heritage consisting of two apartments, a house and commercial premises for a total sum of 2,165,000 euros. He must also repay a home loan of nearly 190,000 euros.

The sovereigntist candidate also has seven bank accounts, which total 26,813 euros, and a work of art by Denis Monfleur, estimated at 25,000 euros. In 2021, he declared 69,000 euros in income as a deputy, 1,400 as a municipal councilor and 1,200 as a community councilor.

►Jean-Luc Mélenchon, La France insoumise: 1.4 million euros

The heritage of Jean-Luc Mélenchon is mainly composed of an apartment in Paris, valued at 1.2 million euros, a house in the Loiret for 170,000 euros, as well as 95,000 euros in various bank accounts. The candidate of La France insoumise must however still repay 100,000 euros of mortgage.

In 2021, Jean-Luc Mélenchon also declared 71,000 euros in income from his mandate as a deputy.

►Marine Le Pen, National Rally: 1.2 million euros

The candidate of the National Rally declared real estate representing a total of 1.29 million euros: a house of 633 square meters in Hauts-de-Seine, of which it holds 12.5% ​​in SCI for an amount of 616,800 euros, a house of 120 square meters in Morbihan, of which she owns 28.5%, or 111,883 euros, and finally a house in Yvelines, of which she owns 25%, or 565,801 euros.

She also has three bank accounts and life insurance for a total of nearly 94,000 euros, but still has to repay 10.6 million euros to the Hungarian bank MKB for a loan she had taken out under the funding for his 2017 presidential campaign.

In 2021, Marine Le Pen declared 70,000 euros in income for her mandate as a deputy, to which are added 60,000 received as president of the National Rally and 20,000 euros for the post of departmental councilor to which she was elected in June. last.

►Jean Lassalle, Resist ! : 630 000 euro

Jean Lassalle has for main heritage three houses, an apartment and agricultural land with a total value of 800,000 euros. However, he still has to repay four home loans for an amount of 202,000 euros.

The candidate of the Resist! also declared eight bank accounts totaling 32,600 euros. In 2021, he received 93,000 euros in income in his capacity as deputy for Pyrénées-Atlantiques.

►Anne Hidalgo, Socialist Party: 575,000 euros

Anne Hidalgo owns with her husband of a 118 square meter house in Paris. It is valued at 1.4 million euros, the socialist candidate’s share is therefore almost 700,000 euros and she still has to repay 207,000 euros for the loan taken out to acquire this property.

The socialist candidate also has with her husband five bank accounts on which are placed nearly 122,000 euros. In 2021, she received 55,000 euros in salary as mayor of Paris.

►Emmanuel Macron, The Republic on the move : 550 000 euro

As in 2017, the president of the Republic mainly declared bank accounts and financial instruments. He does not own real estate. On the other hand, he holds eight bank accounts totaling nearly 472,000 euros, four financial instruments amounting to 67,500 euros and life insurance with a redemption value of 113,000 euros. He must also repay 122,500 euros for a loan related to works, contracted in 2011.

The outgoing President of the Republic has also declared 195,000 euros in income in 2021 for his position as President of the Republic. Between the start of his mandate and December 31, 2021, he received 900,000 euros net.


►Yannick Jadot, Europe Ecology-The Greens : 412 000 euro

The essence of heritage of the EELV candidate consists of life insurance of 67,000 euros, five bank accounts with nearly 337,000 euros in savings and an electric scooter valued at 4,000 euros. He does not, however, own any real estate.

In 2021, he declared 108,000 euros gross income as an MEP.

►Fabien Roussel, French Communist Party : 220 000 euro

The communist candidate owns of two houses in the Nord department. One is valued at 180,000 euros and the second, of which he owns 60%, at 120,000 euros. On the other hand, he must still repay nearly 98,000 euros in mortgages, and has 16,000 euros in bank assets.

In 2021, he declared 70,000 euros in net income for his position as a deputy, as well as 1,400 euros for his position as a municipal councilor and 1,200 euros for another position as a community councillor.

►Nathalie Arthaud, Labor struggle : 219 000 euro

The candidate of the Workers’ Struggle party is co-owner of a 48 square meter apartment in Pantin in Seine-Saint-Denis. His share is estimated at 177,000 euros. She also has nearly 38,000 euros in savings in four bank accounts.

In 2021, she declared 21,321 euros in income for her position as an associate professor in National Education.

►Philippe Poutou, New Anti-Capitalist Party : 122 000 euro

Philippe Poutou said for main heritage 99 000 euros of savings spread over four bank accounts. He is also the owner of a Peugeot 308 SW listed at 22,500 euros at the argus. He does not, however, have any real estate assets.

In 2020, the NPA candidate declared 27,819 euros in income for his position as a worker at the Ford factory in Blanquefort, Gironde. However, he was fired in September 2021. His company paid him 70,000 euros in compensation, but he has since been unemployed.

The detailed assets of each of the twelve candidates

The heritage declared by each of the 12 candidates for the presidential election.
