In Robinson, both teams must designate one more person who must leave the island. When it is clear who will be forced to leave Lag Nord, the atmosphere is anything but good – a heated conflict arises between the participants. – Now I have to stop you, Sanna Strand roars. In Robinson, the participants are faced with more tough missions when two in each team must designate one of their teammates who must leave the island. The mission is to send out the person they consider to be the weakest link, and to find out which of the participants in the team will be allowed to leave, they run speed dating with all of them. In Lag Syd, Alva Trané and Caroline Persson decide that Marcus Edensky can leave. – I got a lump in my stomach, the decision was not made based on the criteria we were given. That would be the weakest link and I’m not, says a disappointed Marcus before hugging everyone goodbye. Here the participants get together In Lag Nord, the atmosphere becomes all the worse. It is Peter Andersson and Sanna Strand who will decide who gets to leave, and when the choice falls on Zeki Demir, there are anything but happy faces – something that leads to a conflict arising. – It was expected, says Zeki and continues: – And you, just because I’m an immigrant I don’t speak bad Swedish. Sanna is not slow to roar at Zeki. – Now I have to stop you, because there is nothing in me that has anything against you because you don’t speak pure Swedish, says Sanna. In the player above, you can see when the conflict breaks out between the participants.
The heated conflict that ensues when a participant is forced to leave Robinson