The heat wave causes a dangerous bacteria to proliferate in French lakes

The heat wave causes a dangerous bacteria to proliferate in

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[EN VIDÉO] What are the differences between bacteria and viruses?
They are microbes. They are very small and they are quite easily confused. However, bacteria and viruses are two very different things. And to fight effectively against those that cause disease, it is better to identify them clearly.

the Sun persisting and the exceptional scorching temperatures have allowed very dangerous organisms to multiply in the stagnant waters of France: lakes, ponds, and ponds, both in the south and in the north, have seen the proliferation of cyanobacteria, also called “blue algae” or “blue-green algae”. In recent days, several dog deaths have been reported in France and Switzerland. The animals were bathing in the water or playing in it when they were taken from seizures. Death occurs within 15 to 45 minutes only.

These bacteria are also dangerous to humans, and many bathers have complained of vomiting, dizziness and strong pains abdominal muscles after swimming in the lakes of Alsace, the Ardennes, Pays de la Loire, or the Tarn. While human deaths are extremely rare, they are still possible. In the most serious cases, some children and adults have had to be hospitalized in intensive care after swallowing contaminated water while swimming in recent years. Among the thousands of species of cyanobacteria that exist, about forty are dangerous and there are no antidote For their toxins. Frequent exposure to these bacteria, for example bathing in a contaminated lake every year, can also cause organ damage that will only be discovered several years later.

Ideal weather conditions for their proliferation at the moment

Conditions weather report are currently ideal for the proliferation of cyanobacteria, since these organisms convert solar energy in energy chemical. How do you know if a water point is contaminated? Infested lakes and ponds are often cloudy, with a more or less gelatinous colored film on the water, yellow or brown, which sometimes gives off an unpleasant smell.

The waters of rivers, with current, present less risk. But their presence is not always easy to spot and it is advisable not to bathe in stagnant water in the event of strong heat, except those which are controlled and therefore authorized for swimming. A participatory map of France brings together the reports of cyanobacteria in France.

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