the heat of printers to deliver electoral materials

the heat of printers to deliver electoral materials

The campaign for early legislative elections is putting pressure on printers. The deadlines are very short to get out in record time: ballot papers, posters and professions of faith, because the electoral materials must be delivered this June 18 in the afternoon. Report at the Jasson Taboureau printing works in Ecquevilly in Yvelines.

2 mins

Three large printers run non-stop in the workshop. The team is at its post to manage this last minute order. No time to waste for printing director Louis Guerrero.

We will print the ballots for all the candidates “, he says. “ There are 10 of us 800 sheets per hour, that’s 40,000 documents per hour. Which isn’t bad. »

The professions of faith of one of the candidates for the Yvelines constituency parade at a frantic pace, sheet by sheet. “ The first difficulty was having enough paper to secure the documents. The biggest difficulty is the time we are given to print all these documents. This is the first time we have seen a delay of not even 48 hours », notes Louis Guerrero. “ The propaganda commission took place this morning, so that leaves us this afternoon and tomorrow until this time, so 24 hours all inclusive to achieve everything », he adds.

Read alsoLegislative elections in France: the submission of candidates for the first round is completed

“We keep our fingers crossed that there are no problems”

You have to shape it, and then it’s the operation of cutting out the ballot papers. “ You have a blade that goes down to cut the paper and then we wrap it as we go so as not to be overwhelmed. It’s non-stop for everyone. Do you see the lady who is packing boxes? He’s our accountant “, explains Louis Guerrero.

Even the smiling accountant is busy putting tons of bulletins into boxes. “ When needed, we lend a hand, we change positions », she exclaims. “ Fingers crossed that there are no glitches », Hopes Louis Guerrero.

You have to keep your fingers crossed, because the machines will be running non-stop all night.
