The heart-lung fund is campaigning for more defibrillators

The grant is SEK 5,000 and can therefore be applied for by private individuals who then collect the rest of the amount needed. A defibrillator can cost from approximately 10,000 up to over 30,000 kroner.

Although defibrillators have become increasingly common, not many people survive a sudden cardiac arrest in Sweden.

– Only six percent survive. If you compare it internationally, there are cities like Seattle, Stavanger or Amsterdam where they have managed to increase survival up to 20-25 percent, says Kristina Sparreljung, secretary general at the Heart-Lung Foundation.

In the video above you can see an interview with Kristina Sparreljung.

SVT has previously told about Annika Elovsson in Torskär outside Norrköping. In her neighborhood, neighbors banded together and bought their own starter, which now sits outside on a wall so everyone can reach it.
