the health system on a war footing

the health system on a war footing

In the United Kingdom, where nearly four million people have tested positive for Covid-19, the government is not going to impose – for now – any new restrictions. He even waives the obligation to carry out a test before entering British soil. But, faced with the Omicron surge, Boris Johnson places the health system on a war footing: objective, to save resources.

With our correspondent in London, Émeline Wine

In England, nearly one in ten caregivers cannot come to work: either because they are positive for Covid-19, or because they are in contact. To ensure continuity of care, Boris Johnson is preparing his response: “ We are in the process of identifying the hospitals that are most likely to need military assistance, so that we can prepare now.

There are no longer enough ambulances

A little late for the opposition, when fifteen hospitals have already canceled non-emergency operations, and there are no longer enough ambulances for all the patients. Deemed too late, also, the release of daily tests, for essential workers, in order to identify positive cases as soon as possible, break the chains of contamination and preserve public services – in all, a million Britons are already in quarantine.

From January 10, continues Boris Johnson, we will distribute antigen tests daily to 100,000 critical workers to keep services going. This concerns employees of national infrastructure, national security, transport and food production. “. Still in the interest of saving resources and while screening is already scarce, the English will no longer need to carry out PCR in the event of a positive self-test.

Read also: Covid-19 in the United Kingdom: “Considerable tension” on the health system, recognizes Boris Johnson

