the head of the employers’ organization Medef rejects any new tax on businesses

the head of the employers organization Medef rejects any new

Between tax increases and job creation, we must choose ! » In France, the president of Medef, the country’s main employers’ organization, is alarmed by the budgetary choices of the Barnier government. In an interview with Parisianthis November 17, Patrick Martin estimates that as it stands, the finance bill would be “ disastrous for employment and the French economy » while the economic climate deteriorates. He denounces measures which will increase the cost of labor and taxes for businesses.

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The change in tone is notable for the boss of employers in France. A month and a half ago, Patrick Martin said he was ready for businesses to pay more taxes. This November 17, in an interview with Parisianthe boss of French bosses seems to be going backwards. “ I had mentioned the possibility of an exceptional contributionhe explains, but on the express condition that it is temporary and targeted. However, today, numerous measures hit all businesses in the long term » deplores head of Medef.

Reduction of tax relief, savings on learning aid, corporate tax surcharge, “ The government had promised a balance of effortshe recalls, a third coming from taxpayers, including businesses and two thirds from a reduction in state spending. In reality, in the current project, it is quite the opposite. “, he laments.

Increased risk of unemployment

The risk is that French companies hire less », he believes, in a context where the economic situation is deteriorating in France. “ We don’t want a euro of rising labor costs », insists Patrick Martin, who argues on the contrary for a reduction in contributions, financed by an increase in VAT, and for de-indexing retirement pensions.

The President of Medef announces that he has organized a summit which will bring together the President of the European Parliament, the French Prime Minister, Michel Barnier, the French Minister of the Economy and his German and Italian counterparts on November 21 and 22 in Paris.

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