The head of the emergency room: “We have been heavily burdened”

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An extreme shortage of nurses means that the emergency department has reduced staff this summer. At certain times of the day, there are only two nurses on duty.

The hospital has urged those who are not acutely ill to turn to primary care. But not everyone who might should have heeded the call yet.

– Those who come here on their own machine and then do not need to be admitted, obviously do not need the hospital’s resources, says Marcus Larsson.

Patients are referred on

During the weekend, the staff referred the patients who are not seriously ill to the health center’s evening and weekend clinic, which was open for parts of the weekend.

– They have also been very heavily burdened, says Marcus Larsson.

For some, the waiting time has therefore been many hours.

– Those who come to the emergency room in the morning can have to wait until the afternoon when we are a little better staffed, says Marcus Larsson.
