The head of school in Kalix: “We take the criticism very seriously”

The Education Board in Kalix decided earlier this autumn to discontinue the collaboration with the School Consultants. An investigation was later appointed.

– We believe in the children’s experiences and we have therefore added an investigation, says Charlotte Sundqvist.

The work continues

Sara Lundbäck, board member of the association Attention Norrbotten, does not think it is enough.

But the head of school believes that the municipality is not finished with the work yet.

– The matter with the School Consultants is closed. However, the matter of study peace and security will continue and it is something we have talked a lot about, says Charlotte Sundqvist.

“The children must come first”

She says that parents need not feel any anxiety about sending their children to school – that criticism is taken seriously.

– The children must come first and be at the center every time and we have always meant well in this matter, she says.

In the clip, the school principal accepts the criticism and responds to it.
