The head of Russian diplomacy Serguei Lavrov in Congo-Brazzaville to discuss the Libyan crisis

The head of Russian diplomacy Serguei Lavrov in Congo Brazzaville to

The Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs is expected this Monday, June 3, 2024 in Congo-Brazzaville as part of a two-day official visit. According to the Congolese diplomatic services, this second visit by Sergei Lavrov to Congo after that of July 2022 should be dominated by the inter-Libyan crisis.

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With our correspondent in Brazzaville, Loicia Martial

Serguei Lavrov will be welcomed this Monday evening by his Congolese counterpart, Jean-Claude Gakosso, in Ollombo, near Oyo. It is the stronghold of the Congolese Head of State, Denis Sassou-Nguesso, located 400 kilometers north of Brazzaville. According to a diplomatic source who requested anonymity, the Russian minister will host a press conference on Tuesday.

If the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, in which the Congo has never hidden its neutrality, was at the center of the talks two years ago, during its first visit to the Congo Brazzavillethis time, Sergei Lavrov is expected on the issue of the inter-Libyan crisis.

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The Russian diplomat should thus provide his support to Brazzaville, which has been involved in resolving the inter-Libyan crisis for more than a decade. In his capacity as Chairman of the African Union High Level Committee on the Crisis in Libyathe Congolese leader, Denis Sassou-Nguesso, will try to come to an agreement with the Russia to maintain involvement in this thorny issue.

After the Congolese stage, Serguei Lavrov is expected in Ndjamena, Chadwhere he must meet in particular with President Mahamat Idriss Déby, newly elected and invested.

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