The head coach and captain of the Swedish national team were shocked by the tragedy in Brussels – “I almost started to cry”

The head coach and captain of the Swedish national team

Two Swedish supporters were killed in a shooting in Brussels. The teams were told about it at halftime.

The European Championship qualifying match between Sweden and Belgium in Brussels was stopped at halftime when the players were informed of the shooting in Brussels.

Two supporters of the Swedish national football team died in a shooting that started an hour and a half before the match.

Head coach of the Swedish national football team Jan Andersson says he heard about the shooting at halftime.

– I immediately felt that this is completely unreal. What kind of world do we live in today? I’m really sad, Andersson told the media.

– When we started talking about it, we agreed one hundred percent that we don’t want to play to restore the victims and their families.

Swedish captain Victor Lindelöf explained the Swedes’ point of view to the Belgian players and they agreed on how to play. Lindelöff reminded that Belgium had already secured its place in the European Championships, and Routs has no chance of reaching the games.

– I see no reason to play. We immediately wanted to contact our families and friends here to let them know they were okay. The security personnel handled the matter very well and explained the situation. They reassured us and said that this is currently the safest place in Brussels.

– We felt safe, even though people were worried.

The players, managers and Swedish supporters stayed at the stadium for a longer period of time for security reasons. First the Belgian supporters were allowed to leave and later the Swedish supporters in a police escort.

Head coach Andersson ended the press conference moved.

– People are being shot in Sweden nowadays in a way that is unreal. What have we gotten ourselves into? Swedish supporters who support Sweden abroad are apparently also targets, Andersson updated.

– I get so sad. I’m very sorry. During the break I was supposed to have a good chat with the players, but I heard the news and almost started crying. Very sad. All thoughts and sympathy to the families.

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croon according to the motive of the act was to kill Swedes. The shooter fled the scene and has not yet been caught.
