the HCC rejects the request for an opinion from some deputies

the HCC rejects the request for an opinion from some

An inadmissible request is the response of the High Constitutional Court to the High Council for the Defense of Democracy and the Rule of Law concerning its request for an opinion on “the interference of the President of the Republic in the affairs of The national assembly “. A request that followed the motion of censure aborted two weeks ago against the government. Immediately tabled and signed by 105 deputies, including a majority from the IRD, the presidential party, the proposed motion of censure tabled on December 7 was finally declared unconstitutional by the permanent bureau of the National Assembly.

With our correspondent in Antananarivo, Laetitia Bezain

A reversal after a meeting between the head of state Andry Rajoelina and IRD deputies, some of them had indicated. It is this “interference” of the president that the 15 elected members of the opposition and independents had denounced to the High Council for the Defense of Democracy and the Rule of Law.

Since the latter is neither an institution nor a local authority, it does not have the capacity to seek the opinion of the High Constitutional Court. This is the reason given by the highest court in the country to justify its rejection. ” This is not the first time that the HCC has been called upon to rule on delicate situations and that it hides behind a fairly rigid legal system,” reacts Eléonore Johasy, independent MP.

” We have exhausted all the procedures, but that does not mean that we are going to give up and let go of anything that could once again endanger democracy in Madagascar, especially since we are entering an election year, ‘ continues the independent MP.

Does the HCC really have the capacity to play its role as guardian of the Constitution?’ wonder some parliamentarians at the origin of the request.For the deputy of the TIM opposition party, Stanislas Randrianarisoa, the ‘neutrality of the HCC is called into question.”

The elected representatives of this party are also demanding ‘a redesign’ of this court and of the Ceni before the elections and national consultation. »

Read also Madagascar: the motion of censure tabled by two-thirds of the deputies rejected by the power
