The Harry Potter films have taken some liberties with the adaptation of the books. But there was one thing where the filmmakers were inconsistent and broke their own rule. This led to a logic error.
A really cool thing from the world of Harry Potter is the Polyjuice Potion. This turns you into a different person. All that is needed besides the recipe and the ingredients is a hair of the person you want to transform into – and a lot of time.
In The Chamber of Secrets, Hermione prepares this potion that turns Harry and Ron into Draco Malfoy’s friends Crabbe and Goyle. The filmmakers changed an important detail about the effect of the potion.
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The voice is also part of the perfect camouflage
Danger: A spoiler for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire follows.
What detail is it about? In the books, Polyjuice Potion changes the appearance and voice of the person who drinks it. But that was changed for the films. Harry and Ron continue to have their own voices even after drinking. When they meet Malfoy, played by top earner Tom Felton, in a transformed form, they have to make an effort to sound like his friends.
Now this change wouldn’t be a big deal and could just be accepted. Finally, it provides some funny moments in the film. However, the change is reversed just two films later.
In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the character Barty Crouch Jr. consumes the potion for the entire duration of his stay at Hogwarts. In doing so, he disguises his true form and disguises himself as Professor Moody. Oddly enough, Crouch Jr. not only looks like Moody, he sounds exactly like him too.
So at this point they made an exception and decided that the polyjuice potion also changed the voice. The reason for this may have been that they wanted to save the twist about who was really behind Moody for last.
Has this rule been maintained? No, she wasn’t. In The Deathly Hallows – Part 1, members of the Order of the Phoenix transform into Harry himself and use this potion. There’s a funny scene where everyone speaks in their real voice but looks like Harry.
This shows that the filmmakers did not agree on which rule now applies. In the end, this leads to some chaos from a logic perspective. The fact that the potion plays a prominent role in some important scenes might have needed an explanation. Another blockbuster also has to contend with a problem: there is a logic error in Jurassic Park that continues to annoy scientists to this day