the hardest squat weights are used in training – the sprinter runs from the place even in the World Cup final

the hardest squat weights are used in training the

Lotta Kemppinen rose to the attention of the general public no later than a year ago after winning silver in the European Championships with 60 meters. Now the runner who has already been in a hurry for SE time is ready for the next challenge in the World Championships. Development has been sought in strength training.

Antti-Jussi Sipilä,

Anu Karttunen

The Belgrade World Championships will be shown on ‘s channels and in Areena from 18 to 20 October. March. The broadcast of Friday’s competitions will start on TV2 and Areena at 10.25.

Just over a year ago Lotta Kemppinen took part in the first adult championships of his career and immediately won the European Championships with 60 meters of silver. Torun’s complete hit was a surprise to many, including Kemppinen himself.

Now it’s a couple of degrees harder for the challenge: the Belgrade World Championships. However, Kemppinen’s reign has gone at least as well as a year ago. In the Hall Hall Championships, the HIFK runner clearly won the championship and a couple of weeks later he was approaching the SE time already in his name in the high-level competition in Paris.

Kemppinen’s run of 7.17 at this point in the season is very good, as it is only a hundredth of the SE time he ran a year ago. The run went so well that Kemppinen even expected the record time to be broken.

– When I watched that run, the angle for 10-30 meters should be a little better so that the run would go better, he thought in an interview with Sport.

Kemppinen believes that the situation may be better already in the World Championships, but he does not dare to guess how much his time can improve in the championships. So many things are impressive, such as the race track and even the racks.

– At sixty, it’s so small. A very small angle can have a strong effect on running. But if I got to the 7.10 surface. There are opportunities there, but it requires a truly successful run.

Iron has obeyed

Kemppinen thinks that running is quite fun when running. He has been pleased with many things during this term, but there is room for improvement.

– The start of the run is difficult, especially at 60 meters, when you don’t have time to fix it, so you have to get it right.

After last season, Kemppinen had only a one-week transition period and had a good training season before the hall season. He thinks that the six-month internship will start to show in the results as well.

Kemppinen is his coach Mervi Brandnburgin led with a particular focus on strength training. Rauta has obeyed the sprinter well, as he has been able to use the toughest squat weights in training. At his best, he has done a high back squat at 160 kilos, compared to 130 kilos in the first half of the season.

There have been a lot of one and two leg squats in the show, instead he has only done fast replays.

– Power protects against injuries. And when it comes to power, in a way, power is equal to power. It moves faster from the racks and is also visible in acceleration and maximum running, among other things.

From the starting position, a cry of grief

– Yes, I was waiting for those Olympics. I have tried to take comfort in the fact that when they were such Korona Olympics, it would not have been such a perfect Olympic experience, Kemppinen laughed.

– The eyes have now been shifted to Paris. Once in, it will be reopened in Paris.

Due to a foot injury, Kemppinen and Brandenburg had to work with Kemppinen’s running technology, but the starting position has also been changed a couple of times. Kemppinen laughed that the starting position was a small cry for him.

Kemppinen had already had time to change his starting position to the new settings, but before the start of the race he noticed that they didn’t work and he had to go back to the old settings.

– Now we still have to get a little different angle for the run, which we had already fixed last year. There has been the most racing in that rack start, but hopefully the start will work at the World Championships. The new settings will be available by the summer at the latest.

Tight second battle

Kemppinen’s time of 7.17 is enough for the 25th place in the international statistics. The current flatness of the women’s 60 meters is well illustrated by the fact that Kemppinen is only 0.13 seconds from the second place on the list. World’s number one name, Poland Ewa Swoboda is the only under 7 second in its 6.99 time.

Currently, 12 runners who have run for the same time or better than Kemppinen have registered for the World Championships. Planing tithes or even hundredths of a second out of time is quite challenging, Kemppinen thinks, especially at 60 meters.

– The harder the level, the harder those hundredths are. But when you take a button start and a button acceleration and make a great run, then the time can be good too.

Kemppinen knows that Tunku is extremely tough in the final and he needs a button run to achieve it. But that’s what he’s done in the past, so why not now?

– My first goal is the semi-finals. My goal there would be to be able to run the Finnish record. The closer you get to that final place, it would be great, Kemppinen listed.
