The hardest fight became easy when I took out the right goblin

Our author Schuhmann lost his teeth in a battle in the hit role-playing game Baldur’s Gate 3 (Steam). Defending the druids’ emerald grove from the goblins just wouldn’t do it. He was overrun by flying goblins and battle spiders until he defeated the greenlings with their own weapons.

What is this battle? Act 1 of Baldur’s Gate ultimately boils down to the battle for the druid’s grotto, the “Emerald Grove”:

  • Either you side with the tiefling refugees and defend the fortress against the goblin army.
  • Or you decide to get a new, hot, nasty girlfriend and betray the good.
  • I chose defense. But the “good way” proved once again to be rocky and difficult.

    5 helpful tips for Baldur’s Gate 3

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    The Goblin battle plan has 4 maneuvers

    How did I fail? The attack plan of the “bad guys” consists of 4 maneuvers:

  • At the beginning of the fight, 2 sword spiders jump over the parapet and immediately attack the tiefling defenders, the spiders kill the weakly armored refugees in the first move.
  • An ogre also throws barrels of battle goblins onto the parapet: the goblins jump out of the smashing barrels, immediately forcing the tieflings into melee combat. The ogre throws 2 goblins per turn: shamans also fly with him.
  • To do this, 3 suicide goblins with burning barrels on their backs run towards the fortress gate and blow it up.
  • Once the gate is blasted, the ogre and the army’s strong melee fighters attack, march through the gate and mercilessly kill the fugitives and my heroes with sheer mass. The evil elf bride gets involved with healing spells and buffs.
  • Defensive Stance is bypassed and eliminated

    This maneuver makes the defense, which actually seems so safe, useless from the start: In the first moves you immediately have opponents on the battlements and in the 3rd or 4th move the gate is blown up and you are practically without a defense.

    The problem is that the refugee helpers are almost useless in the situation because they immediately go into melee and die. Even the defenses are useless because the goblins are blowing them up.

    Ultimately you fight hopelessly outnumbered with your 4 people against 10 to 20 opponents. Actually, you are on a lost battle here. Unless you can thwart the enemy’s plan.

    It was enough to kill a goblin right at the start

    How could I easily win the battle? Normally, in other games, I would say in such a case: Well, then I’ll just skip the quest for now and somehow level up or get better items and that’s fine.

    But in the case of Baldur’s Gate 3 it’s actually worth thinking about, as the developers say:

    The key to victory is to kill the suicide goblin closest to the ogre as quickly as possible: the ogre doesn’t care about the explosion, but the exploding goblin will shatter all of his barrels.

    In the end, an arrow from my villain and a spell from my cleric were enough to eliminate the goblin.

    Now the previously dangerous throwing goblins are standing around, no longer have barrels, can not be thrown, but become pincushions for the ranged weapons of the defenders, which stand securely on the battlements.

    Because I placed my strongest melee fighter at the sword spider’s jump location, the spiders stayed behind out of fear.

    Thought brought something.

    Without the stress of having spiders and flying goblins on the battlements, the previously useless tiefling fugitives actually came in handy and shot down the “blast goblins” so they died before they could reach the gate.

    With an intact gate, the goblins’ entire attack strategy is useless.

    Ultimately, the huge attacking army stood in front of closed doors and helplessly threw stones, while the hot elf bride in the background could do nothing but useless magic and wait for her end.

    In the end, when all enemies were in the dust, I even had to leave the fortress and go to the elf on her hill to put an end to her.

    Basically, taking out the right Blast Goblins at the right time was enough to make the battle go from unwinnable to a breeze.

    More on Baldur’s Gate 3:

    I started Baldur’s Gate 3 twice and was disappointed: I didn’t like it until I did what many warn against
