The 28-year-old armed himself with knives, hammers and other accessories and then set out in Gnosjö in search of people to kill. In a wooded area, he kills a woman with several stabs and hammer blows to the head. After the crime, he disappears without a trace.
Only after ten months, when he comes in with a tip to the police himself and takes responsibility for the murder, can he be arrested. As a reason, he states that he wants to get away from society.
In the months after the murder, he has been bunkering weapons with the intention of killing more people. In police interrogations, the man says that he has had thoughts of killing all his life.
“I’ve had these thoughts about killing and such for a long time,” says the 28-year-old.
The family’s cats “disappeared”
The man tells in questioning that even as a child he had fantasies about killing and harming animals, and that he used to torment the family’s cats by strangling them.
Relatives of the man say in police interrogations that they had cats but that they suddenly disappeared.
“After that, the need disappeared. And then it moved on to humans. Because they wanted to expand that particular feeling, or whatever they say. Then you were done with animals,” says the 28-year-old in police interrogation.
The man describes the feeling as a kind of satisfaction that made him more self-confident, but that the feeling disappeared after a while and needed to be filled, again.
“Then you have to do it again to feel that feeling again.”
Saw his chance
The victim and the 28-year-old were not previously acquainted. That it was the 74-year-old woman was a pure coincidence.
The man says that he had been walking his usual walking route, armed with a hammer and knife in search of a victim, but was put off by the fact that there were so many people on the move. As he deviates from his course, he sees a lone woman walking into a wooded area and quickly makes the decision to follow.
“I see how she disappears into the forest. So then I see my chance,” he says in questioning.
Once up in the forest, the man says that the woman sees him and that he is about to regret it.
“It turns out that I turn off everything, all empathy and the like. Shuts off feelings, thoughts and then she has come a little way and then I pick up the hammer and the knife.”
He then kills the woman with several punches and stabs before quickly leaving the scene. In “pure panic” he throws the murder weapon into a denser forest.
After the murder, the 28-year-old went to a grocery store where he buys food and drink.
After the murder, the 28-year-old went to a grocery store where he buys food and drink.
Photo: Police preliminary investigation.
Bought lettuce after the murder
In a nearby sports hall, he washes off after the murder. He then goes to a grocery store before heading home.
“I go to the store, buy a Picadeli salad, a drink and go home. I feel like I have to get rid of my clothes. I eat first then I take and throw all my clothes in a bag. And then I go to the recycling station,” he says in questioning and says that he then ended the evening at his parents’ house.
The 28-year-old man is charged with murder in the Jönköping district court and has admitted the crime. According to a forensic psychiatric examination, the man does not suffer from any mental disorder.