The hacker on the banks’ new plan: “Many manage to get rid of their money”

Hear the hacker react to the banks’ action package in the clip above.

During the spring, Uppdrag gränskning published several revelations about phone scams that target the elderly. In 2023, Swedes were defrauded of SEK 708 million in fraud – which is primarily a source of income for criminal gangs. Only two percent of reported telephone scams are resolved.

The cheaters

  • The banks: It will be possible to delay payments

  • Announcement expected today: This is how phone scams against the elderly are to be stopped

  • After the first review in February, into Swedish fraudsters defrauding Swedish pensioners from Marbella, the Prime Minister summoned banks and the police with a call to find solutions to stop the fraud.

    See the report: “The Deceivers”

    Hacked criminal network

    In March, Mission Review was able to show unique material after reporters were contacted by a person who hacked the computers of a criminal network. The network engaged in telephone fraud and had cheated 25 million over the course of six months.

    By breaking the law himself, the hacker wanted to try to stop the fraud. In encrypted chats, the hacker shared all the material with Mission Review – and the police.

    See the report: “The Hacker”

    “I will notice if it has an effect”

    When the banks’ actions were unveiled during a press conference on Monday, the hacker was among those watching.

    – It is of course great that something is happening. But there don’t seem to be any deadlines for when they should have achieved their goals. We will simply see if it will have any effect. These scammers are masters at adapting. But I will notice if it has an effect. I see it live. I haven’t slowed down, but rather accelerated.

    What did you wish they had said?

    – I would have liked them to have set clearer requirements. And why should they have a whole year? A year is a long time, many manage to get rid of their money.
