The GVFÖ couple’s unexpected news – a year after the wedding

The GVFO couples unexpected news a year after the

Rosanna Segerstedt33, and Christoffer Sundén31, fell in love during the filming of Gift at the first Cast of Eyes in 2023.

In the program, viewers got to follow the couple’s setbacks and happiness, and during the last day of the experiment, many people held their breath when Rosanna and Christoffer would announce whether they wanted to remain married.

The couple finally said yes to each other and have now been married for a year. On Saturday, however, they came up with a new shocking announcement about the relationship.

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That’s why Rosanna and Christoffer were matched: “Looks like rubbing”

News24 have previously spoken to Kalle Norwaldsexologist and expert in the program, who then revealed why the experts paired Rosanna and Christoffer with each other.

– They had a lot of common values, politics, common interests. Things that simply unite them, he said then.

Despite the happy ending, the couple had some setbacks in the beginning. Viewers got to see Rosanna and Christoffer struggle with their differences in the first episodes. They did not know how to communicate, and to viewers, their interactions could be perceived as cold.

Kalle Norwald then told Nyheter24 that he understood the viewers’ feelings, but he hinted that it would change.

– There is a lot that people think rubs off. But what looks like rubbing is also part of their humor, which many don’t understand, but it will become clearer going forward, he said at the time.

READ MORE: That’s why Rosanna and Christoffer were matched in GVFÖ: “Skaver”

Rosanna and Christopher. Photo: Screenshot/SVTRosanna and Christoffer’s new message

After a year as husband and wife, they have now made a new decision about the relationship, namely that they will get married – again.

On Instagram they happily shared the news.

“We’re getting married, again! Not everyone gets a proposal after getting married, but I did, one night at the beach, when the last episode aired and we finally got to put our rings back on. Looking forward to it against marrying you again, when it’s not the first time we’ve met, when we know each other and when I know you’re the love of my life,” Rosanna writes and continues:

“If you have tips or help on how we can solve a wedding before the end of the year (near Gothenburg or Malmö), PLEASE let us know. This is completely unknown terrain for us!”


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