The ground swallowed part of a football field in Illinois, USA | News in brief

According to the city of Alton’s parks department, the sinkhole is more than 30 meters wide and 15 meters deep.

Part of a soccer field disappeared into a large sinkhole in Alton, Illinois, USA. The field complex was built on top of an operating limestone mine.

The event was recorded on surveillance cameras. According to the city of Alton parks department, the sinkhole was more than 30 meters wide and 15 meters deep.

– It was unreal. Kind of like in the movies, where the ground just disappears under your feet, the director of the city’s parks department Michael Haynes described to local channel KMOV-TV.

The luck in the accident was that there were no players on the field and no one was injured. The football field with the park and the roads surrounding it are closed until further notice.

Sources: AP, Reuters
