Published: Less than 20 min ago
The Social Democrats are going to the polls on “climate policy for ordinary people”.
But the proposals have been pushed through by the MP during its time in the government, according to Per Bolund (MP).
– It shows that the Social Democrats are not innovative. This is not enough for us to support a Social Democrat-led government, he says.
Climate and Environment Minister Annika Strandhäll (S) and Finance Minister Mikael Damberg (S) today presented a package for a “fair climate transition”.
The Social Democrats are going to the polls on “climate policy for ordinary people”.
But its proposal does not impress the Green Party’s spokesperson Per Bolund, who believes that it is not a new policy and describes it as worrying, especially in an election year. According to Bolund, the proposals have been demanded and developed by the Green Party when they were in the government.
– We have gotten used to all environmental reforms coming from us and it is good that parties stand behind it. But I would have liked the Social Democrats to have been more ambitious when they now present their climate policy on which they are going to the polls, he says.
Among other things, the Social Democrats want to speed up the renovation of old multi-family buildings so that they become more energy efficient and that the travel deduction should become mode-neutral and be based on distance. The party strive for at least double so many public charging posts on the streets by 2030, from today’s 15,000 to 30,000. It should also be easier to charge and less hassle with different apps and registrations.
– A duplication is nowhere near what is required. We in the Green Party believe that 100,000 charging stations are needed in Stockholm alone. They have too low a level of ambition, says Per Bolund.
Are you surprised?
– I am very surprised by this. We are proud of what we pushed forward. This does not show that the Social Democrats take the climate crisis seriously. What they are proposing is not wrong, but stronger reforms than this are required to cope with the climate crisis, he says.
What would you like to see in their climate package?
– We would have liked the Social Democrats to have managed to come up with something new. Living only on old proposals that the Green Party forced through in negotiations is not impressive. This will not be enough for us to support a social democratic led government.
What then is required for you to provide support?
– There are historic levels of climate investments, that we ensure that nature can be the rescue in the climate issue that scientists say it must be. Then we also have to have a significantly more sustainable forest and sea policy and to reduce the fossil subsidies that today lead to us using more fossil fuels than we would need.
Strandhäll: “A strong package”
Climate and Environment Minister Annika Strandhäll (S) writes in an SMS to Aftonbladet that the Social Democrats presented a strong package.
“The climate is the fateful issue of our time. Now we social democrats have presented a strong package for a fair climate transition for ordinary people. I am happy that Per Bolund, like us social democrats, has high ambitions when it comes to climate change,” she writes.