The Green Party reports Ebba Busch to KU

Facts: That’s what it says in the memorandum

The government’s memorandum “Reduced tax on petrol and diesel” states the following:

“Viewed in isolation, the proposal is estimated to lead to territorial emissions of fossil carbon dioxide from the transport sector and from work machinery increasing by approximately 350,000 tonnes in 2024 and approximately 490,000 tonnes in 2025.”

In her KU report, Märta Stenevi writes that it is “difficult to draw any other conclusions than that the Government deliberately withheld information from the public at the current press meeting, probably with the aim of avoiding the spread of information about the climate effects of the proposals”.

The background is an answer that Ebba Busch gave to the question of how much emissions are expected to increase as a result of the government’s proposal for tax cuts on fuel.

“We haven’t done that calculation yet,” replied Ebba Busch.

But in the government’s memorandum, the basis for the proposal, it is specified how much the emissions are expected to increase.

— It seems unlikely, although not impossible of course, that she did not have access to the memo (memorandum) that was sent out in parallel, says Märta Stenevi to TT.

– They have simply tried to dodge the question of what this means for emissions.

She calls Busch’s answer “misleading” because the numbers were “obviously at the Government Office”.

“If she didn’t have it (access to the numbers), then you can really question whether the person who leads the work at the Ministry of Climate and Economy has any interest in finding out what emission increases a proposal will get,” says Stenevi.

The Constitution Committee’s task is to review that the government follows the rules for government work.
