The green line: Chronicles of climate and transition

The green line Chronicles of climate and transition


The latest IPCC report is unequivocal. Faced with global warming and its deleterious effects on our lifestyles, the challenge of the 21st century is above all that of energy and climate transition. At different rates, this is now at work all over the world. Citizen’s convention for the climate in France, carbon neutrality for Europe in 2050, Joe Biden’s Green Deal in the United States, frenzy of investments in renewable energies or hydrogen… the dynamic cannot be stopped.

On this moving subject subject to the debate of ideas, the Express will propose each week the lighting of an expert among its cast bringing together leaders from the business world, climate economists but also scientists: Gwenaëlle Avice -Huet, Pierre Abadie, Cécile Maisonneuvre, Aurélien Saussay, Christian Gollier or even Hervé le Treut.
