The “green comet” was captured on video – the pass may also be seen with the naked eye

The green comet was captured on video the pass

With the help of the super telescope, it has been possible to record the comet’s journey through space. Its distance is closest to Earth at the beginning of February, 42 million kilometers away.

The green comet, officially known as comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF), is now at its closest approach to Earth.

The comet found last March flies 42.5 million kilometers from Earth.

The comet was seen on Thursday photographed through a remote telescope, when its distance from Earth is at its smallest.

For a long time, the comet has made the sky on the outskirts of the solar system the Oort cloud, which is a cloud of comets located in the outer parts of the solar system.

According to some estimates, it was last seen from Earth 50,000 years ago.

The comet can be observed from the starry sky during the first week of February. However, the light pollution of cities and snow cover make it difficult to see the comet. The biggest problem is the full moon on February 5th, which creates a lot of diffuse light during the week.

The green color may not be detected, even if you manage to see the comet. Spokesperson for the astronomical association Ursa Anne Liljeström according to this, the green color is created by a chemical reaction – when the sun’s ultraviolet radiation hits the diatomic carbon molecules in the comet.

Astronomers estimate that C/2022 E3 (ZTF) will not return to the Oort cloud, but will continue its endless sky outside the solar system.

Have you managed to see Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF)? You can discuss the topic until Friday at 11 p.m.
