The greatest fantasy epic starring Emma Watson that has nothing to do with Harry Potter

The greatest fantasy epic starring Emma Watson that has nothing

When we hear Fantasy and Emma Watson, we usually immediately think of the Harry Potter films in which the actress portrays Hermione Granger. But there is also Disney’s live-action remake of Beauty and the Beast and it is exactly this film that is coming to TV today.

That’s what Beauty and the Beast with Emma Watson is about

The story goes the same way, like it does in the cartoon template or the French fairy tale. The beautiful Belle (hence the name) lives dreamily in a small village and has to fend off the advances of Gaston (Luke Evans). Instead of getting married and starting a family, the independent young woman prefers to read.

At the same time, Belle also looks after her father, who, due to unfortunate circumstances, ends up in captivity of a mysterious monster. The Beast (Dan Stevens) lives in an enchanted castle and Belle offers her life to the monster in exchange for her father’s. She moves into the Beast’s castle and over time gets to know the residents of the place much better.

Beauty and the Beast – Trailer (German) HD

Emma Watson was actually supposed to star in another version of the material

Most film fans will have gotten to know Emma Watson through her appearances in the Harry Potter series. Of course there are now many more works in which the actress has participated. Such as the highly praised Little Women or Noah, which is the closest thing to fantasy.

Before Emma Watson agreed to remake Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, she was originally slated to star in a very similar project. Guillermo del Toro wanted to an own version of the well-known material called Beauty turn. But nothing has come of it so far.

TV or stream: When and where does Beauty and the Beast come?

Sat 1 shows tonight, on January 20, 2024 at 8:15 p.m., Beauty and the Beast. The film runs there until 10:45 p.m. A repeat will air on Sunday at 2:00 p.m.

If you don’t have time for both dates, you can of course also stream the film online. This is about this, for example Disney Plus subscription or on Amazon, Apple TV, Maxdome, Magenta TV or Google Play.

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