The Great Mosque of Paris wants to prosecute Michel Houellebecq for incitement to hatred

The Great Mosque of Paris wants to prosecute Michel Houellebecq

The Great Mosque of Paris announced, Wednesday, December 28, its intention to file a complaint against Michel Houellebecq for incitement to hatred against Muslims. In an interview dating from last November and published in the journal Popular Frontthe French writer made remarks deemed unacceptable in a democracy, according to the religious institution.

One ” Bataclan upside down “. That’s what predicted Michel Houellebecq. In an interview with the philosopher Michel Onfray and published in Popular Front, the writer made remarks about Muslims who send shivers down your spine. Michel Houellebecq said:

When entire territories are under Islamic control, I think acts of resistance will take place. There will be attacks and shootings in mosques, in cafes frequented by Muslims, in short, a Bataclan Upside down. »

In a press release published on Wednesday, December 28, the Grand Mosque of Paris announces that it will file a complaint next week for incitement to hatred against Muslims. According to Michel Houellebecq, “ the wish of the so-called native French population is that the Muslims stop stealing and attacking them. Or else, another solution, that they go away “.

The rector of the religious institution denounces lapidary, unacceptable and staggering brutality. Chems Eddine Hafiz recalls that, if ” in a democratic society, the law allows criticism of religions “, in the face of such remarks, “ it is a call for the rejection and exclusion of Muslims “.
