Obviously, it is still too early to see the impact of the prices which have just fallen this week. We have to wait at least for next week’s list (taking into account sales from November 4 to 9) to find out a little more. However, there should be no revolution since three of the major prizes went to authors who were already on the rise. Thus the Goncourt Prize, Kamel Daoud, whose novel Kouris (Gallimard) remains in the Top 20 fictions since its publication in mid-August. Likewise, the Renaudot prize recognized one of the greatest successes of this fall, Jacaranda (Grasset) by Gaël Faye.
And Femina? Well he just crowned The Jaguar’s Dream (Rivages), by Miguel Bonnefoy, already recipient of the Grand Prix de l’Académie française awarded on October 24, a prize which has already enabled him to make a superb rise in the rankings. In this regard, it is likely that booksellers, who are not fans of doubles (one less banner title to place in majesty), would have preferred to see the novel L awarded an award.e Badly pretty (Albin Michel) by Emma Becker, beaten by four votes to five to the Franco-Venezuelan author. There remains the Medici Prize which was awarded this Wednesday, November 6 to the novel by Julia Deck, Ann of Englandpublished in Seuil. It should, obviously, benefit from a nice sales boost.
A quick look at the foreigners that we would love to see included in our bestseller list (times are tough these months for foreign literature). Primus inter paresthe Nobel Prize, awarded on October 10 to the South Korean novelist Han Kang, is producing its first effects: Impossible goodbyesa superb novel published in 2023 by Grasset, joins the list. What will happen to the foreign Femina Prize, of Alia Tabrucco Zeran, the Chilean author of Own translated by Anne Plantagenet and published by Robert Laffont? And the foreign Medici prize won by the Guatemalan Eduardo Halfon for Tarantula, translated from Spanish by David Fauquemberg and edited by Quai Voltaire? Come on, fellow readers, a little effort.
We should also not forget the two other prizes awarded in this week rich in various and varied twists and turns: the Flore prize, awarded to Benjamin Stock, for Mark (Rue Fromentin), and the Jean Giono prize to Olivier Norek, author of Winter Warriors (Michel Lafon), one of the great successes of this literary season.
And what about testing?
Less frenzy on the testing side which sees the emergence, like every week, of a certain number of entrants. Thus the medium and journalist Patricia Darré, known for her paranormal experiences, who publishes with Michel Lafon The Revelation of the Templars. A forgotten truth against the chaos of the world, 3rd in our test list ; as well as another medium, Jean Testanière, author of Messenger of the invisible. Opening to the other worldat Robert Laffont; or even Pope Francis (not really a medium, though), present in our list with his Encyclical He loved usco-published by Cerf/Bayard/Mame; and Mounir Laggoune, with Invest to be free. 9 Steps to Achieving Financial Independence (First).
Mounir Laggoune is the CEO of Finary, a company presented as follows, “Wealth tracking solution, recently a player in crypto investment”. In short, we are far from the spiritual concerns of His Holiness. Delicious crosses from our list…