the “grand oral” of political parties before employers’ organizations

the grand oral of political parties before employers organizations

Ten days before the legislative elections, the leaders of five major political groups in the running (Horizons, New Popular Front, National Rally, Ensemble and LR) are presenting their economic program to the representatives of the bosses on June 20. While the political crisis plunges the country into the unknown and worries the markets, Medef has already judged “ dangerous ” And ” inappropriate » several measures defended by the RN and the New Popular Front. This grand oral is therefore particularly awaited by employers’ organizations.

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It’s time to turn up the volume and show the unity of the economic world » reacts a business manager. This morning the employers’ organizations will therefore listen to political leaders detail their economic program for these legislativethen question them on several points: what fate first of all for the projects launched in recent months by the majority – unemployment insurance, pension reform, simplification measures – ” we await clarifications from each camp », Explains a participant.

Clarifications expected

Clarifications also expected on the costing of campaign promises: the minimum salary of 1,600 euros per month proposed by the New Popular Front? “ How to finance 15% more salary? », asks a boss. The reduction in VAT on energy and fuels defended by the RN? “ This risks having a significant impact on public spending. », Explains another.

Overbidding of proposals »

We are witnessing an escalation of proposals while the deficit explodes », denounces a business official who also scratches the presidential majority in the process. A participant warns: at the end of this grand oral, “ we will not give voting instructions, but we reserve the right to say what is good or not for the interest of our companies. »

Read alsoLegislative elections in France: employers divided on the attitude to adopt
