the governor of the province of Tanganyika prosecuted for electoral fraud

the governor of the province of Tanganyika prosecuted for electoral

Elected on May 6, the governor of the province of Tanganyika is the subject of a complaint filed on July 29 with the high court at the Court of Cassation. Julie Ngungwa Mwayuma, presented by the UDPS, is being prosecuted for electoral fraud and false criminal record. The plaintiff, Tshimanga Ngandu Guelord, a former vice-governor candidate, asks the courts to take up this case.

With our correspondent in Kinshasa, Kamanda wa Kamanda

Unsuccessful candidate for the election of vice-governor of Tanganyika, Guelord Tshimanga Ngandu is represented by Me Richard Matuli. In its request, the Matuli firm claims that Julie Ngungwa Mwayuma, presented by the UDPS, failed to provide certain important information in her application file submitted to the Céni to run for governor.

Among these elements, arrests for acts of fraud, embezzlement, forgery and use of forgery of which the governor was the subject in 2014. Julie Ngungwa Mwayuma, then a businesswoman, was then sentenced. She stayed in Kasapa prison in Lubumbashi, according to the complaint filed. The lawyer asks justice to seize this criminal behavior in order to apply the law.

In other words, if possible, cancel the election of last May and seriously open the file. Some observers wonder why this complaint was filed only now, when information about Julie Ngungwa Mwayuma’s criminal record was known long before the election of governors.

► To read also: DRC: two provincial governors prosecuted for embezzlement
