the government’s proposals rather poorly received

armed groups struggle to choose their delegates

A little over a month now that the Chadian pre-dialogue has been underway in Qatar. The negotiations bring together 200 delegates representing the Chadian authorities and more than fifty politico-military groups. Thursday, April 14, the mediator presented the proposals from Ndjamena. The politico-military groups have 4 days to present their counter-proposals, but already we see a big gap between the two parties.

Among the main measures proposed by the government, there is an amnesty for the signatories, a halt to operations targeting their armed groups, the release of their members and their seized property, total freedom of movement and the right to participate in public life. and politics. But the negotiations still promise to be long and difficult. The government’s text did not at all please the politico-military groups.

One of the negotiators, Colonel Adoum Yacoub, brushes aside Ndjamena’s proposals. ” It is a document which offers absolutely nothing, in the sense that it purely and simply asks for the rallying of the politico-military groups. It is a shameful text, unworthy of being presented in a forum of this nature. It is a total lack of consideration of the politico-military opposition, but also of the mediator. »

For the rebels, Ndjamena has a vision that is far too reductive of dialogue and comes out of old proposals already presented in past negotiations. According to Ali Youssouf Mahamat, one of the main negotiators, certain fundamental points must be included in the text.

The government must engage in the reform of the national army, which is a clan army. The transition charter is not clear, he needs to modify this charter and we need to put in place institutions that are truly capable of managing the transition. Not all of these commitments appear in the text. We want the government to change its behavior in management, in the choice of men, in political, judicial and economic governance. Change of method. That’s what we want. »

The politico-military groups say they are still just as engaged in the discussions, but are asking the government to drastically change its position. The movements have until next week to submit their counter-proposals. Charge to the Qatari mediator to propose a synthesis which will serve as a basis for the rest.

To read: Chadian pre-dialogue in Doha: the mediator presents the government’s proposals
