the government wants to strengthen its intelligence service

the government wants to strengthen its intelligence service

Poland fears secret Russian and Belarusian activities. As Warsaw reveals it faces a growing threat in the run-up to the European elections, the country wants to be even more vigilant.

1 min

With our correspondent in Warsaw, Martin Chabal

The Polish government wants to strengthen its intelligence service. He announced that he wanted to release nearly 23 million euros to fight against Russian and Belarusian interference. An increasingly strong threat according to Warsaw which is facing numerous sabotage actions, according to Prime Minister Donald Tusk.

Be extra vigilant

He revealed that, in recent weeks, his country has thwarted attempts at diversionary actions or arson. According to the head of government, the Poland, but also its European neighbors, must be extra vigilant as the European elections approach. An important election, which could interest Moscow to destabilize the continent.

For Poland, it is also the current local context which pushed the government to release funds. Last week, a Polish judge took refuge in Belarus and an investigation into espionage was opened.

Series of major fires

At the same time, Poland is facing a series of major fires, including at a massive shopping center in Warsaw last weekend. And, if nothing indicates that the Russia is at the origin of these fires, Warsaw wants to remain vigilant and has nevertheless opened an investigation.

Read alsoPolish judge flees to Belarus
