The government wants to lower taxes | SVT News

The government and SD must lower the tax for both those who work and pensioners, it is announced at a press conference.

– With the recession we are in, and the high inflation we have had, we are now doing what we can to get the wheels moving again, says Elisabeth Svantesson.

The autumn budget 2024

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  • The Sweden Democrats’ economic policy spokesperson Oscar Sjöstedt says that the tax cuts announced today will primarily benefit low- and middle-income earners.

    Reduced tax

    According to the government, everyone who earns more than SEK 16,000 a month will get a tax cut. On average, the tax reductions will be SEK 2,600 per person per year. That means SEK 216 more in the wallet every month.

    For pensioners, the tax will be reduced by an average of SEK 1,400 per year, when indexation is included.

    Savings measures

    They also suggest less tax when you save in a so-called ISK account. The first SEK 150,000 you save in such an account must be completely tax-free, the government announces. In 2026, the level will be doubled to SEK 300,000.

    – Now it will be easier to build up a “fuck off” capital through savings. It should be a sense of freedom and security to know that you can get out of unwanted situations, says the Liberals’ economic policy spokesperson Cecilia Rönn.

    In total, the three proposals will cost the state almost 18 billion next year. The tax reductions on pension and work amount to 13.5 billion.

    Marmorstein: Moderately marked part of the budget

    Tax cuts are still an important part of the Moderates’ policy, says SVT’s domestic policy commentator Elisabeth Marmorstein.

    – This is the most moderately marked part of this budget. The employment tax credit is also about the line of work that was talked about a lot with the Alliance, that you should strengthen the incentives to go from benefits to jobs.

    The budget will be presented in its entirety on September 19 and has been negotiated by the governing parties together with the Sweden Democrats.
