The government wants more people who have had their application for a residence permit rejected to leave Sweden and return to their home country. The police and the Swedish Migration Agency have been given a joint assignment to increase the return by 50 percent. – Sweden is one of the countries in Europe that has succeeded best with the return, but still it is too many people who get a no who choose to stay in Sweden, says Anders Ygeman (S), Minister of Integration and Migration But the Moderates think that the government has done far too little to increase expulsions. – We see how the shadow society only grows during the years that the Social Democrats have been in power. Objectives must be combined with tools such as stopping subsidies for people staying here illegally, says Maria Malmer Stenegard (M), migration policy spokesperson. In the player above: Hear what coercive measures the government wants the authorities to receive to check who the asylum seekers are.
The government: The return will increase by 50 percent