the government resumes the 41 measures of the “flash mission” on the public hospital

the government resumes the 41 measures of the flash mission

Traveling to a hospital in Pontoise north-west of Paris, the Prime Minister made announcements by taking up the report written by the boss of Samu-Urgences de France, François Braun, on the crisis in emergency services in hospitals. public. In detail, what solutions will be put in place to relieve hospitals this summer?

Elisabeth Borne said it very clearly: these are short-term measures, to spend the summer, allow health professionals to take vacations and avoid hospital service closures as much as possible.

Concretely, the government proposes better remuneration for night work in the hospital. On the one hand for caregivers. They already had a salary supplement, it will be doubled. On the other for doctors. They will see the amount of their night guards increased by 50%.

A way of “ recognize the difficult conditions of night work “, but which will first be ” experienced for three months “Before a possible sustainability, explained the head of government.

These announcements also concern city doctors. For them, it will be 15 euros more per consultation if they welcome a person who is not part of their usual patient base. With the aim of encouraging them to take patients for unscheduled care.

In order to avoid the overload of emergencies, the Prime Minister wants to facilitate the procedures for the reintegration of retired doctors who volunteer to return to service. She also promises that the on-call medical homes will be open on Saturday mornings, which is not often the case. And wishes to unlock new acts for pharmacists, physiotherapists and other caregivers, “ e.g. renewing a chronic care prescription “.

These measures do not make us forget the substantive work that awaits the government to make the hospital more attractive and efficient.
