The government must investigate support for religious communities

The government must investigate support for religious communities

Published: Less than 10 min ago

full screen Culture Minister Jeanette Gustafsdotter (S) during the government’s summer coffee. Photo: Maja Suslin/TT

Foreign funding of religious activities in Sweden must not go to violent extremism, says Culture Minister Jeanette Gustafsdotter (S). She promises that an investigation into the matter will be added this autumn.

– This is an area where we lack knowledge. We know that some associations today receive funds from foreign financiers. We also know that there have currently been cases where foreign donors have made demands on Swedish religious communities, says Gustafsdotter during the government’s summer coffee.

– In some cases, these communities have also been encouraged to violent extremism, this is of course deeply worrying. We must turn over every stone to break segregation.

In May, the government announced that the so-called democratic conditions for religious communities that receive state support must be tightened and that foreign funding of religious communities needs to be reviewed.

The authority for support to religious communities (SST) must now map how large the incidence is in the communities that receive state support. The assignment must be reported on January 15, 2023. This fall, an investigation into the matter will also be added, which can form the basis for legislation, says Gustafsdotter.

– We cannot accept that parallel societies are built or that foreign forces contribute to the spread of violent extremism.

SST is also tasked with conducting training for religious community leaders to strengthen their knowledge of and work with democratic principles. That assignment must be completed by March 5, 2023 at the latest.
