The government is calling for a crisis meeting due to the acts of violence

Due to the last day’s acts of violence in Hässelby and Linköping, the government is calling a crisis meeting tomorrow, Wednesday.

The purpose is to identify which measures need to be implemented to get the explosions under control, writes TT.

Authorities, rescue service associations, Sweden’s municipalities and regions (SKR), industry organizations and trade unions participate in the meeting. From the government, Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M) and Minister of Civil Defense Carl-Oskar Bohlin (M) will participate.

“The gross violence in the form of explosions and shootings increasingly affects the innocent. We must use the collective power of society to push back this crime and reverse the trend,” says the Minister of Justice in a comment.

Up to and including September 15, 124 explosions have occurred in Sweden this year.

Details: Connects to the Foxtrot conflict

It was on Monday evening that a powerful explosion occurred at an apartment building in Hässelby in western Stockholm. Three people were injured, and the police are investigating, among other things, attempted murder and serious destruction of public property.

On Tuesday morning, another explosion occurred at an apartment building, this time on Ekholmen in Linköping. The facade of the house was blown away and a 25-year-old woman was taken to hospital.

According to information to The Express can both acts be linked to the ongoing conflict within the criminal network Foxtrot, which is led by Rawa Majid, also called the “Kurdish fox”.
