The government holds a press conference – Floderus and Azizi have landed

At 18:00 on Friday, Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson called the government to an extra meeting. Then the first decisions were made that enabled the prisoner exchange between the lifer Hamid Noury ​​and the Swedes.

At 11 o’clock on Saturday, the second government decision was made, just over ten hours later they landed at Arlanda.

Thanked the families, the security service and Oman

Due to today’s events, the government called a press conference at 10:30 p.m. where Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson, Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer and Minister of Foreign Affairs Tobias Billström attended.

– There are two people who have experienced hell on earth, says Ulf Kristersson.

Kristersson thanked the relatives’ families, the security service and the country of Oman.

– They have trusted that we will do everything to get their loved ones home, Kristersson says of the relatives.

He did not want to go into more detail about how the work with Oman has looked, but said that it has been very important to the process.

– They have been helpful in various ways, it has been important and I think everyone understands that such negotiations are difficult, says Kristersson.

Wanted to bring Jalali into the operation

Foreign Minister Tobias Billström expressed joy that both Swedes were released.

– At the same time, I understand that there is sadness among others at not having received their relatives home on the plane today. To them, I want to say that Sweden continues to fight to bring loved ones home, says Billström.

Specifically, he mentioned the fist Ahmad Reza Jalali, who is imprisoned in Iran.

– The government made great efforts for Jalali to be part of today’s operation, says Billström.

According to the foreign minister, Iran, however, does not discuss his participation, as Iran refuses to recognize him as a Swedish citizen. Then Billström addressed Jalali’s family.

– The government and the security service made great efforts for your husband and father to be part of today’s operation.

– It was simply impossible, says Ulf Kristersson.

Sweden has pardoned Noury

Justice Minister Gunnar Strömmer also announced that Sweden pardoned the life sentence Hamid Noury, in order to bring Floderus and Azizi home, but that it is otherwise a matter of course that Noruy should have served his sentence.

– The decision on clemency was made to enable the exchange, says Gunnar Strömmer.

Today 19:50

LIVE: The government holds a press conference about the return of Johan Floderu and Saeed Azizi
