The government distances itself from the YPG and PYD

The government distances itself from the YPG and PYD

Published: Less than 40 min ago

full screen Ulf Kristersson will meet Turkey’s Erdogan. Archive image. Photo: Vesa Moilanen/AP/TT

The Swedish government is said to distance itself from the Kurdish YPG and PYD.

With only a few days left before Ulf Kristersson’s meeting with Turkish President Erdogan, the government now chooses to meet Turkey’s demands and distance itself from the Kurdish militia in Syria, the YPG, and their political branch, the PYD party, according to information given to Sweden’s Radio Ekot.

– We think there is a doubt and problem regarding those who damage our relationship with Turkey, says Tobias Billström in Ekot’s Saturday interview.

The YPG has long been a NATO and US ally in the fight against IS in Syria and has also previously been supported by Sweden.

However, the new government has chosen to move closer to Turkey’s line, which regards both Kurdish organizations as terrorists.
