The Government continues to improve its digital identification systems with France Identity, the in-app equivalent of the identity card, and FranceConnect+, a more secure version of the authentication tool for online services.

The Government continues to improve its digital identification systems with

The Government continues to improve its digital identification systems with France Identity, the in-app equivalent of the identity card, and FranceConnect+, a more secure version of the authentication tool for online services.

As it had promised, the Government is continuing to digitize public services with France Identity. Associated with the SGIN, the Digital Identity Guarantee Service, this mobile application is ultimately intended to replace the physical identity card with a digital equivalent, stored on a smartphone. Currently, it is only available in beta version on Android and iOS for a handful of users, but the Government has announced on Twitter that the application was opening up to more users. A way to begin its large-scale deployment, before a final launch scheduled for next September – if there is no delay, as is often the case. Also, thousands of beta testers will be able to preview the online security services offered.

It should be noted that France Identity joined, last November, FranceConnect, the platform which allows any citizen to identify easily with more thana thousand online services, public or private (Ameli, Taxes, La Poste, MaPrimeRénov’, CAF, Pôle emploi, Yris, MSA, etc.), in order to reinforce the security of the connection (see our article). Digital identity involves many issues. One of the most important is undoubtedly that of security. Also, the Government has developed a more secure version of the platform, called FranceConnect+. And this one seems to have more and more success since, according to one announcement of July 6, it has reached more than one million users and will be gradually rolled out to other approaches.

France Identity: the beta version opens to users

Capable of storing several pieces of information, such as surnames and first names, but also the date of birth, photos and email and postal addresses, the France Identity application allows you to read the data contained in your CNIe, to avoid carrying your identity card with you and to confirm your identity on public platforms such as FranceConnect. And as much to say that with the threat of a blocking of pornographic sites to minors, the application could prove to be particularly useful. It is a more secure way to connect because it does not have an identifier, which limits the risk of hacking and phishing attacks – which consists of stealing identifiers by trickery, most often via email, an SMS or a fake login page. After three unsuccessful login attempts, the digital card is blocked and identity verification must be performed again to unblock it. Finally, for those who wish, it is possible to activate a double authentication factor via the identity card and a double factor security code.

France Identity has new places available since Wednesday 5 July. The base of beta testers has indeed been expanded, which allows you to take advantage of this online service in preview. Attention, only adults, equipped with an NFC-compatible Android smartphone and a new identity card can access it for the moment, but new places should be open during the summer. On the Play Store, the maximum download limit for a beta app is 100,000, while it is 10,000 on the App Store. For the iOS version, the developers have indicated that “work is currently underway to optimize the application”. Do not hesitate to register !

© France Identity

FranceConnect+: enhanced security for the digital identification portal

However, this type of service is not without risk, especially since France Identity is used by FranceConnect. And the problem with this system is that if you get hacked, it’s not one account that’s compromised, but all of your accounts for public services. The potential damage is therefore much greater, especially since certain procedures and information of the 40 million users are particularly sensitive. And FranceConnect is sometimes the victim of hacking. In August 2022, Ameli temporarily suspended his access via this system following an intensification of fraud, cybercriminals using Health Insurance identifiers to connect to taxes via FranceConnect. AT during this same period, loopholes allowed hackers to steal several thousand euros via the site of the Directorate General of Public Finances, “”. The Interministerial Digital Department had confirmed a “upsurge in reports passing through FranceConnect” during the last months. Finally, in May, more than 1,400 accounts of the Mutualité sociale agricole (MSA) were hacked via the digital identification portal (see our article).

Faced with numerous attempts – and successes – at hacking, the Government launched in 2021 FranceConnect+, a more secure version for the most sensitive procedures, such as opening a bank account, accessing one’s medical file, receiving electronic registered letters, registering for CPF training, etc. This version of the identification service includes authentication strong, such as the obligation to enter a code or additional information after entering your identifiers – a bit like what online banks offer. Also, Stanislas Guerini, the Minister of Transformation and Public Service, announces his gradual generalization of “the use of FranceConnect+ to guarantee the security of the most sensitive public procedures”. “More than a million French people use FranceConnect+ on a daily basis. This system put in place by the Government to protect the procedures of French people with their public services is bearing fruit and is already strengthening digital trust”he welcomes.

The use of FranceConnect+ is currently based on the Digital Identity of La Poste, which has been the device’s partner since its creation. When he connects, the user identifies himself with his telephone number, receives a notification via the application and only has to enter the secret code he has chosen. The Government announces that other digital identities, currently being qualified by the National Information Systems Security Agency (ANSSI), will soon be offered via FranceConnect+.
