The government closes investigations

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

An investigation concerns a state-owned real estate company, which was appointed by Magdalena Andersson’s (S) government this summer. According to the assignment, one would investigate whether a state real estate company can function as a way to counteract crime and segregation in vulnerable areas.

The investigator Leif Jakobsson describes the closure notice as “surprising” and announces that they will not present what they have managed to arrive at.

— – No, in such a short time there are no results, he says Everything.

The second investigation concerned a market-based control instrument for energy efficiency, so-called white certificates and was added by the then Minister of Energy Anders Ygeman (S) in the fall of 2021.

However, according to the investigator Göran Enanader, parts of the evidence will be reported in a progress report, he says to Everything.

The reason behind the closure is that the government “intends to work with other measures for energy efficiency”, writes Energy Minister Ebba Busch’s (KD) press department to the Altinget.
