The government can limit search sites against gang violence

Due to the wave of violence, more people want to be anonymous online.
Now the government wants to restrict online search sites.
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It goes without saying that we have to look at the issue and make a serious assessment, says Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M) to Aftonbladet.

Due to the wave of violence that has shaken Sweden recently, more and more people want to become anonymous online, including by removing their information from various online search services.

Both the Swedish Tax Agency and search services such as Eniro have noticed that people are afraid of being approached by criminals.

– We notice an increase in that type of request, said Eniro CEO Hosni Teque-Omeirat to TV4 Nyheterna in early October.

Looking at amending the constitution

Now the government is opening the door for certain search services that are used to obtain personal data to be restricted. In an interview with The evening paper says Minister of Justice Gunnar Strömmer (M) that this type of service is used for criminal activities.

He mentions that the search services, among other things, make it easier for criminals who want to engage in fraud and “very serious crime”.

– Then I think it goes without saying that we have to look at the issue and make a serious assessment, he says.

The sites that provide phone numbers and address information often have a publisher certificate, which means they have constitutionally protected rights to publish content.

An investigator is now going over the possibilities of changing the constitution. A proposal must be submitted no later than November next year.
