The government and SKR agree on care money

The government and SKR agree on care money

Published: Less than 20 min ago

fullscreen Minister of Health Acko Ankarberg (KD) has settled with municipalities and regions on how billions should be used to shorten care queues. Archive image. Photo: Pontus Lundahl/TT

The requirements for results are tightened.

Regions that succeed in shortening care queues can get extra money from a bag of billions that the government has put together with Sweden’s Municipalities and Regions (SKR).

In addition to three billion to shorten queues in general and increase accessibility in care, there is also 1.6 billion to improve interventions against mental illness and to prevent suicide, and half a billion to reduce waiting times in cancer care.

Of the three billion to shorten queues, 2.5 billion will be distributed based on how the regions succeed. Half a billion will go towards increasing accessibility in child and youth psychiatry (BUP). The remaining 440 million must be distributed to the regions based on the number of inhabitants.

The requirements for concrete results in order to receive money are tightened and a larger proportion of the money must be given based on performance, compared to before.

This also applies, by and large, to the 1.6 billion that will strengthen efforts against mental illness.

The various agreements are new versions of settlements from previous years.
