the good resolutions of the French for 2024 – L’Express

the good resolutions of the French for 2024 – LExpress

Nearly eight in ten French people are determined to take matters into their own hands to better manage their finances in 2024, according to a survey commissioned by online investment manager Yomoni. The priority, for 61% of respondents, is to establish scheduled payments into their savings accounts. A good practice, both for putting money aside regularly but also for smoothing out your efforts over time.

Second desire, cited by 54% of them: build up precautionary savings in the event of a hard blow. Finally, in third place, the desire, for 51% of those questioned, to invest with the aim of receiving additional income later. A consequence of the entry into force of the pension reform a few months ago?

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If the year seems marked by the obvious concern to protect one’s nest egg, one approach seems neglected, even though it is very effective in this regard: renegotiating one’s contracts, whether it be one’s credits or one’s insurance. . It is only cited by 14% of respondents, while 45% of them say, however, that they want to reduce their current expenses.

Yomoni distinguished the responses by gender, revealing notable points of difference. Thus, the fairer sex is more optimistic on the financial level. In particular, 37% of women think that 2024 will be more buoyant than the previous year, compared to only 25% of men.
