The golden grains at Pride – art and music

Fact: More activities

Pride at Zita: During pride week, cinema Zita shows several film classics with the LGBTQ theme. In addition, Ira Sachs’ “Love and Envy” and Gianni Amelio’s “Lord of the Ants” are previewed.

Strindberg and homosexuality: On two occasions, a lecture on the theme “August Strindberg and homosexuality” is held at the Strindberg Museum. Held on 2 and 4 August.

Queera Stockholm: The city museum holds a city tour about LGBTQ culture and sexual politics, from the 19th century onwards. Museum educator Erik Gunnarsson talks about, among other things, the fear of “homosexual leagues”, drag queens, liberation demonstrations. The screening takes place on August 1 and 3. The second screening is held in English.

In the Footsteps of the Blue Painter – A twilight walk in Eugène Jansson’s Stockholm: Art Tours Stockholm is organizing a special walk about the artist Eugène Janssons, with a focus on Jansson’s homosexuality, and how it affected his artistry. Held on August 1.

Guided tours at the Hallwylska Museum: During Pride Week, the Hallwylska Museum holds two different types of guided tours. “Under the surface at the turn of the century 1900” is about deviating from the expected and about finding “true love” during a time when the bourgeois nuclear family was the norm. Shown on August 2, 4 and 6.

“Acquaintance is sought…” is a city walk about how gay men at the turn of the century used doodles to seek contact with like-minded people. “Acquaintance wanted” will be shown on August 1, 3 and 5.

Pride screenings at Moderna Museet:

Moderna Museet holds two screenings with an LGBTQ theme during pride week. On “Sömnlösa nätter” cultural scientist Emil Åkerö shows how the 80s AIDS crisis and subsequent homophobia were depicted in art, including works by Matts Leiderstam, Tuija Lindström, David Wojnarowicz and Robert Mapplethorpe.

In the show “Pink Sails”, Emil Åkerö highlights stories that marked Swedish modernism, including how Ivar Lönnberg and Nils Dardel portrayed desire in a time with low tolerance for a life outside the norm. The screening of “Sömnlösa Nätter” takes place on August 3, while “Pink Sails” is shown on August 4.

Tuija Lindström’s pictures are shown during Moderna Museet’s pride display. The picture shows Tuija Lindström in 2004. Stock image.

“Uncensored” on Fotografiska:

Just before Pride Week begins, the photographic exhibition “Uncensored” opens by the Swedish-British artist who goes by the pseudonym AdeY. In his art, he combines photography, choreography and performance, with the goal of portraying bodies beyond the often sexualized gaze of advertising aesthetics. Runs from July 28 to October 15.

Queer opera interpretations

“Hidden Desire: The Story of Rolf and Jean”

The love affair between the choreographer Jean Börlin and the art collector Rolf de Maré created big headlines in the early 20th century. Together they founded the Swedish Ballet in Paris in 1920.

During Pride Week, the Dansmuseet arranges a special screening that depicts the men’s relationship at a time when homosexuality was illegal, and examines how the same-sex desire was expressed through their joint creation, the Swedish Ballet. The screening takes place on August 1 and 2.

The Dansmuseet depicts Rolf de Maré (pictured) and Jean Börlin’s relationship during a special screening during pride week. Press photo.

Pride at the National Museum:

The “Dreams of Paradise” show moves through the museum’s collections, stopping at queer-relevant works from different times and places. Tomas Woodski and Lena Eriksson hold a dialogue about people and artists who have chosen their own path through the centuries. The screening takes place on August 4.

Proud and loud on Plattan:

The Stolt scenkonst network arranges two free performances on Sergels torg. On August 3, “Queer as opera” takes place, with rainbow-colored interpretations from, among others, Carmen, Don Giovanni and Hansel and Gretel.

On August 4, it’s time for “Queer as musical”, which offers alternative interpretations from, among others, “Chess”, “Cabaret”, “Kinky boots” and “Kristina from Duvemåla”.

Drag queens and philharmonics

Drag show, catwalk and classical music:

The theater company Between Dragons and Drag Queens organizes an evening at the Concert Hall together with musicians from the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. The event is both a performance, concert and workshop and takes place on August 2 at 7 p.m.

Artists at Pride Park:

Pop star Agnes is one of the big draws at Pride Park. On August 4, she performs in the area and so do her artist colleagues Viktor Norén and Linnea Henriksson. During the opening on August 2, Oscar Zia and Eden Alm will play, among others, while Linda Bengtzing will lead a hit night on August 3.
