The goalkeeper’s mistakes attracted attention – the Football Association is investigating the events of the top match of the Men’s Second Division

The goalkeepers mistakes attracted attention the Football Association is

Atlantis goalkeeper Sammy Ndjock conceded three exceptional goals in Sunday’s match against Grankulla IFK. The Football Association is investigating the events at the end of the match.

The Football Association will clarify the events of Sunday’s Men’s Second Match. Atlantis goalkeeper Sammy Ndjock conceded three goals that drew wide attention in the final moments as a result of his easy mistakes.

The director of the football league’s competition operations Pekka Soini says that the Finnish Football Federation does not suspect match-fixing in the case at this stage.

– Of course, we will investigate the case, Soini tells Urheilu.

According to him, it is an internal investigation process of the Swedish Football Association.

The responsible persons named in the Finnish Football Association make the decision to start an investigation regarding questionable match events. According to Soin, the Finnish Sports Ethics Center (SUEK) is always a partner of the Football Association in investigation processes.

Otherwise, the cooperative parties outside the union involved in the investigations depend on what is found out in the process in question.

The club canceled the goalkeeper’s contract

GrIFK beat Atlantis in Sunday’s match with goals 4–2, even though Atlantis still led the match for a good ten minutes before the end. Ndjocki’s mistakes at the end led to the termination of the player’s contract.

– He messed up so badly that we had to cancel the contract, Atlantis head coach Moshood Bola told on Monday.

You can watch Ndjocki’s goals below or Grankulla IFK’s representative team From an Instagram account.

Bola did not want to speculate whether Ndjocki’s failures were a matter of possible match-fixing. He said that the cancellation of the contract of the goalkeeper, who also played in the Veikkausliiga RoPS ranks, was due to the fact that a professional player fumbled in such a significantly important match.

– A goalkeeper of that magnitude cannot fail so badly. It is obvious that he cannot continue with us, Bola stated in the interview.

After the win, GrIFK is third in Kakkonen’s B group. Atlantis, on the other hand, leads the entire group with the same number of points. Bola stressed to that the team’s goal is a place in Ykkönen’s promotion qualification.

Soini did not want to comment to on the completion schedule of the incomplete report of the Football Association.
